Bad news for frequent travelers who are on Tata’s GSM or CDMA mobile services. Tata Docomo has decided NOT to extend its most popular Roaming Vouchers STV 47 / RC 46 which provides free incoming calls to its prepaid customers (GSM and CDMA) while on National Roaming.
As shared on May 9th, 2012, Tata Docomo was the second GSM operator after BSNL to offer its FREE Incoming calls facility while Roaming Service on promotional basis.
Going forward with RC 46 , only those customers who had activated the pack before 31st July can continue to enjoy the benefits till 60 day periods end. Tata Docomo GSM and CDMA Customers wishing to avail incoming FREE Incoming Call facility while on National Roaming can still do so by availing any of the postpaid roaming free plans from tata Docomo GSM and CDMA 299 799 499 postpaid plans.
What do you feel ? Do share your views on Incoming Calls while National Roaming not being free anymore on prepaid plans except for BSNL users using Roam Free Plan-150.